Why U.S. Needs to Improve Ties with India to Deter Chinese Threats: Experts

(Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (Quad) is the informal strategic dialogue between India, USA, Japan, and Australia. Source: "Mint.")

By: Lalit K Jha, PTI | MINT |

To deter the grave national security threat posed by China to the U.S., the Biden administration should strengthen its ties with India and encourage New Delhi to build upon its capabilities in both the defence and economic domain, top experts have told lawmakers. … “I think[,] for us[,] if the Indians are able to secure their territorial interests with enough capability to deter China, and to be able to operate in the Indian Ocean more effectively so that [it] remains free and open … [then] India can be a great partner to us,” said Randall G. Schriver…

Read the full article in Mint.

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