June 18, 2024

Latest Article: The President Needs to Lead the Cold War on China

Check out the latest piece by Randy Schriver, Dan Blumenthal, and Josh Young in Foreign Policy, where they argue the necessity of presidential leadership in America’s […]
May 16, 2024

CESI Holds Inaugural Economic Wargame on Capitol Hill

On May 7th, CESI had the privilege of conducting its inaugural economic wargame on Capitol Hill that focused on how the U.S.—alongside its allies in Europe […]
July 31, 2023

Sheena Chestnut-Greitens on “Xi’s Security Obsession”

Last week, CESI Commissioner Sheena Chestnut-Greitens published a new article in Foreign Affairs on Xi Jinping’s grand strategy that seeks to preserve the CCP’s regime security […]
July 21, 2023

ICYMI: CESI Commissioner Nazak Nikakhtar Participates in China Select Committee’s “Thunderdome Debate”

This past Wednesday, CESI Commissioner and former Under Secretary at Commerce, Nazak Nikakhtar, participated in the House China Select Committee’s inaugural “Thunderdome Debate” on trade and […]
June 9, 2023

ICYMI: CESI Vice Chairman Dan Blumenthal on “China’s Technology Strategy”

Yesterday, CESI’s Vice Chairman, Dan Blumenthal, alongside Derek Scissors, a Senior Fellow at AEI, released a new report on “China’s Technology Strategy: Leverage Before Growth.” Blumenthal […]
May 26, 2023

ICYMI: CESI Chairman Randy Schriver and Commissioner Nazak Nikakhtar on “China’s Economic Tools for Exploitation”

This week, CESI’s Chairman Randy Schriver and Commissioner Nazak Nikakhtar participated in a discussion on “China’s Economic Tools for Exploitation,” hosted by the National Security Institute. Beijing’s […]
April 7, 2023

Latest Article: U.S. Needs a “Cold War” Strategy for China

Check out this new piece by CESI’s very own Chairman and Vice Chairman in the National Interest on why “America Needs a New ‘Cold War’ Strategy for […]
March 1, 2023

CESI Commissioner Matt Pottinger Testifies at the China Select Committee

On February 28th, Matt Pottinger, CESI Commissioner and China Program Chairman at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies, testified alongside an expert panel before the […]
October 27, 2022

Chairman Randall G. Schriver Joins Vago Muradian on the Defense & Aerospace Report Podcast

On October 27, CESI Chairman Randall G. Schriver spoke with Vago Muradian from the Defense & Aerospace Report on the launch of CESI and the role […]